Saturday 25 February 2017

Lead Teacher Day

Towards the end of the week I attended the lead teacher PLG at Greymain. 
What this PD highlighted for me or got me thinking about: 
  • Revisit the Learn, Create, Share within my school and how teachers are using it and ensure teachers understand the learn aspect must be visible and accessible on their class site or within their classroom programme. The Learn aspect should include examples of rewindable learning. This way at any time the children can revisit the learning as many times as they need. 
  • Screencastify is an excellent place to start with teachers recording a lesson in the moment as they are teaching!
  • Perhaps it is time for me to model using Screencastify some rewindable learning. I intend to create a staff rewindable learning folder and place examples of any digital PD, for example using Seesaw; Ipad apps etc.
  • Multi-modal examples should be able to be found across the learning sites. Provide ideas to staff for how they could continue to develop multi-modal examples eg: videos, recording, written docs, songs, photos and posters.
  • Continue to support staff in using blogs, both students blogs and classroom blogs as these are the models for our students. 
  • Inquiry- Although inquiry happens daily within our teaching practice it is important to document and show evidence to truly see results to the inquiry process being undertaken.
  • My inquiry this year is around writing and supporting a small group of children to use the writing strategies they are learning with independence. This PD highlighted the fact that the strategies they are learning need to be very visible to the students and I need to provide rewindable learning options for them. This will enable them to continue to look at the writing strategies they have been modelled and practice these in their writing when they not working with me. Also it is a great way for my teacher aide to know exactly what is expected from these students. I need to think about how I will create these rewindable learning opportunities...

Here is the presentation from the PD...